Forum Rules

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Some of them are more like suggestions than actual rules:
  • Keep the forum "G" rated: Don't post any content that would be inappropriate at work.
  • Be polite: Insults, name calling, etc. will not be tolerated.
  • Avoid inflammatory posts. Politics and religion are inherently inflammatory, so stay away from them unless they are an essential part of an astronomical story.
  • Use text formatting and smilies sparingly—this includes using all caps: Those things can make messages clearer, but using too many of them does the opposite.
  • Keep your signature short: It should not be longer than any post it is attached to.
  • Don't use animated images, including in avatars: It's too distracting. Exception: Space images are allowed to use blink comparison or loop short videos.
  • Please don't post several replies in a row in the same thread. If you have something to add, you can edit your post instead for up to 24 hours.
  • If your forum name is not your real name, put your real name in your signature or bio, or use a photo of yourself as your avatar. Otherwise, we can't tell who we are exchanging messages with! (You don't need to include your last name if you don't want to.)

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