The Mystery of Jupiter's Shrinking Great Red Spot Might Be Solved

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Science Alert

The Mystery of Jupiter's Shrinking Great Red Spot Might Be Solved

27 July 2024
ByMichelle Starr


It's the iris in the great eyeball of Jupiter, revolving to gaze balefully out upon the cosmos: the Great Red Spot, the single largest, longest-lived storm in the entire Solar System.

Humanity has been observing it for centuries, a colossal anticyclone currently a little bit larger than Earth, with winds that howl around in an anticlockwise direction at up to 680 kilometers (425 miles) per hour.

As mighty as it rages, however, the Great Red Spot has significantly diminished since the first definite records of its existence in 1831. The storm was once much larger; over time, it has dwindled, and it dwindles still.



The Giant spot appears to depend on eating smaller spots to keeps up its big size.

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