Images of M81 and Friends

2 Replies, 903 Views

I was able to take photos of the same spot in the sky about a month apart to compare the differences between the two cameras I have. 

March 16, 2024   April 19, 2024

Both images were taken with a lot of moon in the way.  Other than the camera itself, I kept all the other equipment and location the same.  The two cameras I have are a stock Nikon D5300 and a Canon EOS D7 Mk II that has had the Hα filter removed.  The Canon was used on March 16th and Nikon on April 19th.

The color difference right off the bat is impressive.  The Cigar galaxy has an impressive Hα region that I would need much higher resolution to show, but you can tell something is there near the center in the Hα with the Canon image.  With the Nikon it just looks like a bright galaxy core.

If anyone is interested, here is the equipment I used for these images - everything but the intervalometers I got used:

Lens: Nikon 180mm f/2.8 (stopped down to F/5.6 for better star shapes)
Star tracker: Sky-watcher Star Adventure 2i with counterweight
Tripod: Star Adventurer Tripod
Intervalometers: cheap $20 ones I found on amazon a long time ago
Great photos Evan!  It's amazing that you got those without using a telescope.
Thank you, Evan.


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